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6 Ways In-Store Sampling Is Proven To Increase Sales

Posted by Sonas on Apr 4, 2017 10:18:40 AM
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Does in-store sampling prove effective as a marketing strategy? It is based on the premise of impulse buying.

There are a few key ingredients already at play when marketing to impulse buying behavior. The consumer is already present in the store, primed and ready to engage in the shopping experience. All they need is a nudge in the right direction.

Here are a few reasons why in-store sampling campaigns are so successful.

Test The Risk

Many consumers may pass your product on the shelves, mulling over all the reasons they would like to try it. However, many shoppers, particularly those in a grocer setting, try to stay within a spending budget. Purchasing a product that leads to regret is seen as a waste of money.

By having the opportunity to sample the product or see it demonstrated, they mitigate the risk of trying a new brand.

This is called by experts bringing your product into a consumer's "consideration set".

Sampling is the test-run than can end up a home-run for the manufacturer.


Most consumers are aware of the psychology of impulse buying behavior.

They may enter the store steeled against any show of weakness.

Tasting a sample or listening to a skilled representative perform a well-crafted demonstration begins to break down that barrier. All they really need is a bit of encouragement to make the appeal of your product irresistible.


Have you ever been out with a loved one, engaged in a particular environment and witness your loved one transform into someone else?

Perhaps you have done this yourself.

The elements of our surrounding environment influences our behavior.

Even a person well known for a naturally loud voice and animated mannerisms suddenly becomes quiet and subdued upon entering a religious sanctuary.

When an in-store sampling campaign is launched, the representative is in the perfect environment to promote a product.

Retail centers take great care with the most effective visual merchandising and store display methods and technologies. They purposely design environments to further encourage impulse buying behavior.

6 Ways In-Store Sampling Is Proven To Increase Sales.png


What happens when a shopper receives a free item?

Research indicates that shopper usually ends up spending more money!

A freebie generates emotional excitement. This excitement gives way to a feeling of gratitude often expressed in reciprocation.

So, in essence, give away an item and gain a customer.


Have you ever entered a store that offered free samples at their deli or bakery counter?

Enjoy a bit of delectable salami or creamy cupcake and, chances are, a craving will be tickling your tastebuds throughout the rest of your shopping experience.

It is highly unlikely you will be able to leave the store without tossing in your cart a package of what you just sampled.

Think about it. Have you ever taken a single bite of a cookie and saved the rest for later? Of course not.

Give a shopper a taste and they will crave to completely fulfill the experience

The Grapevine

If sampling or demonstrations are a positive or interesting experience, the consumer will pass along the information.

This is key to success for an in-store sampling campaigns, regardless of the product. Data released by Nielsen marketing research group reveals that 83% of shoppers claim that recommendations were the top factor that influenced a buying decision. 


If your company is considering an in-store sampling marketing campaign, here is what you should expect, based on an updated perspective of independent research from 2009:

  • Expect a rise in sales. Event day could produce as much as a 475% rise while overall sales could rise by more than 50% over a 20-week period.
  • Expect more repeat purchases.
  • Expect other products with your label to sell stronger.
  • Expect an 85% increase of new buyers the day of the event and an increase of more than 20% of new buyers over the course of the next 20 weeks.
  • Expect a greater ROI. When overall sales increase by more than 70% for the following 20 weeks following an in-store sampling event, the cost effectiveness of a company's investment is clear to see.

Are you ready to plan an in-store sampling campaign and enjoy the benefits of a stronger selling brand? Then partner with a professional marketing team with the experience to deliver success.

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