Finding the right place, services and staff for an event – large or small – can make for a daunting task for an event planner. Nevertheless, taking some time beforehand, to consider your needs will make the entire process much simpler. Here are some of the factors you should consider in selecting the perfect event venue:
Determine the Right Setting
While a convenient location is preferable, event-goers will travel a little further and remain longer if some thought is put into obtaining the right setting. Consider your main demographic and what they are used to. Then you can choose between a local beach for a sports-themed event, a nearby 5-star resort for an elegant dinner for MDs or a downtown locale for a party atmosphere.
Book the Proper Sized Room
It is essential to have enough room to keep everyone comfortable who arrives at the event. By the same token, no company wants to overpay for unused space or facilities. By keeping an eye on both your original guest list and the RSVPs, you should be able to easily determine this need. One caveat, always add 10% more room to account for non-respondents who actually show and for uninvited third party guests.
Get All the Needed Amenities
As with the first element, the demographics of your guests will decide whether you need a fabulous buffet or a formal dinner, cases of spring water or an open bar and what type music will get the party started. On a more practical note, ensure that there is enough convenient parking for the event or some of your guests may never even bother to come inside. Finally, provide some sort of security to account for any folks who try to “crash” the event or even for some guests who imbibe a little too much alcohol.
A Reasonable Price
Every event coordinator has a budget for the event venue and it should be considered from the very beginning. Simply put, overspending on the venue itself just means that there will be less monies for everything else. Keep in mind that staying on budget is simply a balancing act between the place, the entertainment and the food & drink. Of course, an event planner should be realistic in their cost estimates as the venue is also in business to make money.
The Best Staff
Without a doubt, this is the last element on which you want to skimp. The staff hired to provide service for an event can make or break it. For this reason, it is essential to find an experienced and reliable staffing service to provide waiters, bartenders, valets or even salespeople. Talk to Sonas for your next event for some advice on staffing for any type of event you have planned.